Prevention Demonstration Project
Waypoint is piloting a range of services in Manchester designed to prevent youth homelessness. Services are targeted to families with children between 12 and 17 at risk of homelessness. Factors that increase the likelihood of homelessness include Housing Instability Poverty or economic insecurity Lack of affordable housing Family conflict LGBTQIA+ youth Pregnant or parenting youth […]
Want to help? Check out our Wishlist.
1. Provide a material donation or do a drive to provide much-needed items: 2. Provide a monetary donation to support our program operations by clicking here: DONATE NOW 3. Become a part of our annual SleepOut fundraiser. 4. If you are interested in volunteering, opportunities are as follows: Cater/order take-out meal to be delivered to […]
Rochester Youth Drop-in Center
The Rochester Drop-in Center is a safe, non-judgmental space for young people in Strafford and eastern Rockingham counties to get help when they are experiencing homelessness or housing instability. Young people will be met by dedicated and caring staff who get it! A young person can stop by for whatever level of care they want […]
Concord Youth Drop-in Center
The Concord Youth Drop-in Center is a welcoming, safe, and non-judgmental space for young people in Merrimack County who need support due to housing instability. The Center is open by appointment only. Young people who contact the Center will be met by dedicated and caring staff committed to helping them get the services and resources […]
Manchester Youth Drop-in Center
The Manchester Drop-in Center is a safe and non-judgmental space for young people who have left home, feel unsafe at home, are coach surfing, or are experiencing literal homelessness. Dedicated and caring staff understand the issues that young people may be facing and are experienced at providing connections to resources and support – whether the […]
Teen Services Outreach Program
Teen Services help youth from 12-18 years when home feels unsafe or when there is no longer a place to call home. Through collaboration with the youth, parents or legal guardians, and school staff when it is appropriate, an outreach social worker works to achieve safe, stable housing and a path to self-sufficiency for the […]
Street Outreach Programs
Street Outreach Programs do just what the name says – our teams get out on the streets in areas throughout NH to reach out to young people who are at risk of experiencing, or are experiencing, housing instability or homelessness. Teams are out almost every day of the year and go just about everywhere – […]
Rapid Rehousing
The Rapid Rehousing Program helps young people ages 18 through 24 find housing when they are experiencing literal homelessness or housing instability. Local landlords provide rental housing for up to 24 months and Rapid Rehousing Coordinators mediate the relationship between the young people and their landlords. Referrals for this program come strictly from Coordinated Entry(CE) […]
Transitional Living Program
If you are a young person, 18-21, who is experiencing – or at risk of experiencing –homelessness, the Transitional Living Program (TLP) can help. TLP is a 12-18 month program to provide safe housing and support to help you move to successful, self-sufficient, independent living. As a TLP resident, you get support finding or keeping […]
Host Home Program
Referrals for this program come from the Prioritization List in the Coordinated Entry (CE) of the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) of NH. Young people from this list are further assessed by Waypoint. The Host Home Coordinator then recruits and matches a qualified young person to a host who commits to providing housing for up […]