Rapid Rehousing

The Rapid Rehousing Program helps young people ages 18 through 24 find housing when they are experiencing literal homelessness or housing instability. Local landlords provide rental housing for up to 24 months and Rapid Rehousing Coordinators mediate the relationship between the young people and their landlords. Referrals for this program come strictly from Coordinated Entry(CE) […]
Transitional Living Program

If you are a young person, 18-21, who is experiencing – or at risk of experiencing –homelessness, the Transitional Living Program (TLP) can help. TLP is a 12-18 month program to provide safe housing and support to help you move to successful, self-sufficient, independent living. As a TLP resident, you get support finding or keeping […]
Host Home Program

Referrals for this program come from the Prioritization List in the Coordinated Entry (CE) of the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) of NH. Young people from this list are further assessed by Waypoint. The Host Home Coordinator then recruits and matches a qualified young person to a host who commits to providing housing for up […]
Pregnant/Parenting Transitional Living Program

If you are 18-21 years old, pregnant or parenting, and are homeless or at risk of being homeless, the Transitional Living Parenting Program (TLPP) can help. TLPP is a safe, time-limited housing program, that provides support so young parents can improve their lives while raising a family. Through TLPP, you are provided an apartment; access […]