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Waypoint’s SleepOut Raises $430,000 for NH’s Homeless Youth

Waypoint’s 2024 SleepOut hit a 10-year record, raising $430,000 to address critical needs for young people experiencing homelessness in New Hampshire.
Young woman with hat and coat on in sleeping bag lying on top of tarp outside

Manchester, N.H. (April 1, 2024) – Waypoint’s 2024 SleepOut hit a 10-year record, raising $430,000 to address critical needs for young people experiencing homelessness in New Hampshire. Nearly 170 supporters bundled up and slept outside in 40 mile per hour winds to stand in solidarity with young people who experience homelessness each night across the state. Money raised from the March 29 overnight experiential fundraiser supports the state’s only low barrier young adult Emergency Shelter in Manchester and Youth Resource Centers in Concord and Rochester.

“When SleepOut started 10 years ago, Waypoint’s services included a very small drop-in center in Manchester with a handful of staff, a newly purchased outreach van on the Seacoast with a couple of staff and a few backpacks and our transitional living program sites,” said Erin George-Kelly, Waypoint’s Director of Innovation and Strategic Initiatives. “Because of the awareness and funds raised through SleepOut, the scope of services that we can offer youth and young adults experiencing homelessness and housing instability throughout NH has grown immensely. This includes a safe bed in a young adult emergency shelter, an apartment in our rapid rehousing program or a place in a host home family where a family opens their door to a young person in need. We will continue to respond to community needs to make change so homelessness among youth and young people becomes rare, brief and one time.”

Each year, Waypoint makes over 1,500 contacts with youth and young adults who are homeless. Nation­al research indicates that the actual number of youth likely to experience some form of homelessness in a year’s time in NH could be over 15,000. Youth homelessness is typically the result of family instability, parental mental illness, addiction, poverty, and a history of family violence including child abuse/neglect. Once homeless, youth are in constant danger of being victimized or exploited, and it is increasingly difficult for them to exit homelessness without assistance.

Participating in his second SleepOut, Manchester Mayor Jay Ruais was among those who spent the night outside: “We need to lead with empathy, compassion and understanding and bring awareness to the young people who go to sleep every night without a roof over their head and a firm place to sleep. Raising awareness and being involved in efforts like this is a privilege and I want to thank all the people across the state who are supporting this effort,” he said.

For this first time this year, SleepOut’s were held in three locations – Manchester, Concord, Rochester – and remotely. As the sole provider of comprehensive services for young people at risk for or experiencing homelessness, Waypoint offers resources for a safe night’s sleep and support for the future. The 14-bed shelter in Manchester is a safe space dedicated to young people with services tailored to their unique developmental needs with individualized care. Waypoint also provides runaway and homeless youth prevention and street outreach, transitional housing and rapid rehousing services.

Donations are still coming in to support the 2024 SleepOut with a new 10-year total reaching $2.9 million. SleepOut sponsors include PROCON, Friendly Toast, Bank of America, Alumni Ventures, VELCRO Brand, and NH Business Review.

Established in 1850, Waypoint is a statewide, private, nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering people of all ages through an array of human services and advocacy serving more than 8,000 people through 24 programs and 14 locations across the state. Visit WaypointNH.org for more information.

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Regional Offices

Waypoint has several regional offices throughout New Hampshire. Below are the locations of these offices. If you are looking for specific program contact information, please visit the Programs Overview page or the Get Help page.

Agency Headquarters

464 Chestnut St.
Manchester, NH 03105
603.518.4000 | 1.800.640.6486
Fax: 603.668.6260
P.O. Box 448

103 No. State St.
Concord, NH 03301

27 Burns Ave. 
Concord, NH 03302

Lakes Region
67 Water St., Suite 207
Laconia, NH 03246

North Country
25 Main St.
Lancaster, NH 03584
P.O. Box 188 Conway, NH 03818

Tri-City Region
3 Wallace St.
Rochester, NH 03867

20 Central Sq., Suite #210
Keene, NH 03431

35 Third St.
Dover, NH 03820

60 Main St., Suite 240
Nashua, NH 03060

Waypoint at the Richie McFarland Center
11 Sandy Point Rd.
Stratham, NH 03885
Fax: 603.668.6260

Upper Valley
85 Mechanic St., Suite B2-6
Lebanon, NH 03766

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