Waypoint is thrilled to be the recipient of a three-year grant from the Couch Family Foundation to support work within a coalition to advance early childhood education and care practice (ECE) in New Hampshire.
We are excited to join our ECE partners who are already in place and who have done such effective work. Over the next three years, Waypoint will work closely with other stakeholders, such as New Futures, Save the Children Action Network, the New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute, and others in the early childhood education and care field, to support and grow the early childhood education and care system, especially as part of a strong system of family supports for young children and their families.
Our program work in early childhood and family support services provides us with a unique perspective and will help inform this work. Our efforts on the front lines inform our work at the legislative level, and likewise, our work at the state level empowers our work on the front lines.
We are excited to announce Liz Belsito has joined us as our Early Childhood Education Project Coordinator. This is a new position within Waypoint dedicated to supporting the ECE efforts. Liz will be working with our Advocacy Team, the Early Childhood and Family Support programs, other advocates, community members, and relevant stakeholders to help strengthen and further New Hampshire’s early childhood education and care system.
Liz has an extensive background working to build capacity within early childhood systems, including convening a regional network of early childhood professionals and coordinating local coalitions. She formerly worked with the Granite United Way as the Director of Early Childhood Initiatives. Prior to moving to New Hampshire, she worked in Massachusetts and New York developing policies and coordinating work around early childhood systems.
Waypoint believes that as a community we can build upon and strengthen New Hampshire’s early childhood education and care system to best support children and families by ensuring access to quality, affordable early education and care for children across the state.