175th Anniversary  |  Learn More >

175th Anniversary

As we celebrate the achievements of the past 175 years, we are also charting a course for the years to come. As the saying goes, “the only constant in life is change.” We are committed to remaining nimble and delivering services in alignment with our transformative mission.

Evolution Through the Eras

In 2025, Waypoint is excited to mark 175 years empowering New Hampshire citizens. We started out in 1850 as the City Missionary Society but quickly pivoted from an emphasis on spiritual growth to a focus on meeting the basic needs of children and families in Manchester. This early course change was just the first instance of constant evolution throughout our organizational lifetime to respond to the changing needs of the community. By anticipating shifting needs and responding with quality services to support New Hampshire’s people, Waypoint continues to play a vital role in our communities since we were established. 

When we look back at our long history, we see many turning points. One of the biggest came in 2018 when we rebranded from Child and Family Services and updated our mission statement to “Empowering people of all ages through an array of human services and advocacy.” By including advocacy in our mission statement, we were underscoring our commitment to not only serve New Hampshire’s citizens, but to take an active role in creating change on their behalf.  


Here is a look at the major milestones along our journey.


red triangle

Waypoint, originally known as the City Missionary Society, is founded to support families working at the textile mills in Manchester, NH. 


Waypoint opens a day care and nursery for unattended children of families working at the mills.


Understanding the importance of in-home health care in improving quality of life, Waypoint establishes the District Nursing Association (now the Visiting Nurse Association of Manchester and Southern NH)


Waypoint becomes the first agency to place children in foster homes and launches its adoption program, helping to keep children and infants out of institutions.


At the request of attorneys and the courts, Waypoint becomes NH’s first child protection agency, assuming responsibility for determining custody of children.


Waypoint establishes the Homemaker Services program, the first of its kind in the state, with the goal of stabilizing and strengthening family life.


Waypoint establishes the family Advocacy Program, giving children and family a voice in NH.


In response to the increase in youth experiencing homelessness, most with no access to services, Waypoint establishes the Runaway and Homeless Youth Program in Manchester.


In response to a need to elderly and children and their families struggling with illnesses, Waypoint establishes Adult In-Home Care program and the Respite Care services.


Recognizing the critical importance of early childhood development on future success, Waypoint begins our Infant and Toddler Early Intervention Services in Rockingham County.


Waypoint develops the Integrated Home-Based Services program model, designed to serve families needing multiple interventions.


To support youth struggling with substance use, Waypoint establishes NH’s first out-patient adolescent substance abuse treatment program.


As a result of Waypoint’s advocacy work, the Child Advocate office is approved by the Senate, increasing protection for children.


Rebranded from Child and Family Services to Waypoint. This included a new mission that focuses on advocacy and the organization’s work in the state.


Waypoint receives its first Family Resource Center of Quality at Nashua Center, as a demonstration of quality and our commitment to families.


Understanding the critical need for prevention services, Waypoint launches Community-Based voluntary services in partnership with the State of NH.


Waypoint expands services for youth homelessness including the opening of the first low-barrier emergency shelter for this age group in NH, launching services in new regions, and opening a Drop-In Center in Rochester.  

Here's How You Can Help

A donation of $17.50 per month will support our programs and help transform lives.

Regional Offices

Waypoint has several regional offices throughout New Hampshire. Below are the locations of these offices. If you are looking for specific program contact information, please visit the Programs Overview page or the Get Help page.

Agency Headquarters

464 Chestnut St.
Manchester, NH 03105
603.518.4000 | 1.800.640.6486
Fax: 603.668.6260
P.O. Box 448

103 No. State St.
Concord, NH 03301

27 Burns Ave. 
Concord, NH 03302

Lakes Region
67 Water St., Suite 207
Laconia, NH 03246

North Country
25 Main St.
Lancaster, NH 03584
P.O. Box 188 Conway, NH 03818

Tri-City Region
3 Wallace St.
Rochester, NH 03867

20 Central Sq., Suite #210
Keene, NH 03431

35 Third St.
Dover, NH 03820

60 Main St., Suite 240
Nashua, NH 03060

Waypoint at the Richie McFarland Center
11 Sandy Point Rd.
Stratham, NH 03885
Fax: 603.668.6260

Upper Valley
85 Mechanic St., Suite B2-6
Lebanon, NH 03766

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